سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
اهلا بكم في منتدى سعادة الساكن للعقار والبيع والشراء والتجارة الشامله

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سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
اهلا بكم في منتدى سعادة الساكن للعقار والبيع والشراء والتجارة الشامله
سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Take The OpportElevadoty With Unbeatable Price Per 245 M at Zed Strip

اذهب الى الأسفل

Take The OpportElevadoty With Unbeatable Price Per 245 M at Zed Strip Empty Take The OpportElevadoty With Unbeatable Price Per 245 M at Zed Strip

مُساهمة من طرف خالد فكري الإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 10:29 am

Zed Strip Mall

Zed Strip Mall Shaikh Zayed
Ora Real Estate Development presents to anyone looking for excellence and creativity its new investment project in the most prestigious and vital cities now, Sheikh Zayed City, which is Zed Strip Mall, which is the largest integrated service architectural edifice in that area, comprising many diverse commercial units, cafes, restaurants and other services that Aiming at the convenience of customers and meeting all their requirements, the project also includes administrative and medical units as well, in addition to the great diversity of various entertainment facilities for adults and children, Zed Strip Mall Sheikh Zayed is a place specifically created to target both sides, the first for customers where they can spend the most beautiful and unforgettable times, and for investors it guarantees them A successful investment opportunity, certainly for more than one reason, the most important of which is the vital and strategic location that the mall occupies, and the huge space it is built on, which made it a magnet for everyone who leaves at the gates of Sheikh Zayed.

The charming nature that you will enjoy in Zed Strip Project Sheikh Zayed is formed in the green spaces, artificial lakes, and delightful fountains, which give a wonderful sense of luxury and relaxation to all customers and investors, all this in addition to the new designs provided by the real estate developer and the use of architectural technology to build Zed Strip that suits the owners of high tastes, and among the most important things, Ora Real Estate Development Company distinguishes that it always works to satisfy its customers by providing all the requirements of life in one place. Therefore, Zed Strip Mall is your destination to enjoy your work in a luxurious and elegant manner and to provide prices that cannot be repeated in Zed Project Sheikh Zayed area.

Zed Strip Mall location
The strategic and vital location of Zed Strip Mall is one of the most important factors for the success of any investment project with an excellent return, because Sheikh Zayed City is one of the most famous cities in recent times due to its integrated infrastructure, and Zed Strip Project is also the finest amazing cities that It has become the meeting place for the owners of the high-end market and the high social class, and the Ora Real Estate Development Company has great experience in building projects in the same area until it pooled its expertise and launched Zed Strip Mall.

Zed Strip project is located in the heart of Sheikh Zayed City, specifically on Al-Hurriya Street, near the most important high-end residential projects inhabited by residents, which ensures that many people flock to it daily, and the mall enjoys its proximity to the most important roads and main axes that connect all parts of Greater Cairo to each other, to facilitate access for customers and investors to the project.

One of the most important roads near Zed Strip Mall is the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, the regional ring road.
Zed Strip Mall is also located very close to the 26th of July Corridor.
Zed Project is only 9 minutes away from Cairo University.
Zed Strip Mall is 10 minutes away from American Plaza and Hyper One.
Zed Strip has a great view of Sheikh Zayed Park.
The project is close to Zed Sheikh Zayed Compound, and it is one of the finest residential projects in that area.

The space and design of Zed Strip Mall Sheikh Zayed
All investment projects are built throughout on a relatively small area because whatever it contains services and features, it is originally one building that the real estate developer could not dream of much, but when you hear about an investment project built on an area of ​​60 acres and in Sheikh Zayed City, you will be surprised because Zed Strip Mall Sheikh Zayed that is like a mall A service compound that includes all that you imagine of commercial units that include all activities and in many varying areas, and this huge space did not indicate the integrated services and features of Zed Strip Mall Sheikh Zayed that were not provided before.

Ora Development and Real Estate Investment Company have returned to us with its wonderful divisions of spaces, which makes its projects a place to get rid of the burdens of life and transport you to all the meanings of luxury and progress, occupying green spaces, gardens and distinctive water bodies, which add wonderful touches to Zed Strip Sheikh Zayed, the largest proportion of the area of ​​the mall, as for the rest of the space For construction only.

خالد فكري
عقاري خبير
عقاري خبير

عدد المساهمات : 2518
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2022

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