سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
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سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
اهلا بكم في منتدى سعادة الساكن للعقار والبيع والشراء والتجارة الشامله
سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
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Own Your Store in Owagik Tower New Capital Starting From 185 m²

اذهب الى الأسفل

Own Your Store in Owagik Tower New Capital Starting From 185 m² Empty Own Your Store in Owagik Tower New Capital Starting From 185 m²

مُساهمة من طرف خالد فكري الأربعاء سبتمبر 21, 2022 12:03 pm

Owagik Tower

The space of Owagik Tower in the new capital
The real estate developer excelled in creating a great urban renaissance worthy of the position of the new administrative capital and established a project that is unique to him in terms of the idea of ​​establishing a mall as an integrated service compound, and from now on everything you need will have it with ease and paper and in one place, and the total area of ​​the project is about 8035 meters Square, 62 meters high within Owagik Tower.

Owagik Tower in the new capital consists of 19 floors, 4 floors built underground, a ground floor, and 14 recurring floors, and the mall was divided as follows

The ground and first floors have been allocated for commercial units and include about 82 units of different sizes in Owagik Tower New Administrative Capital.
The second floor was divided into three towers for different activities, the administrative tower that includes 295 administrative offices, a residential tower that contains 143 hotel housing units, a medical tower that includes 85 units, and a medical clinic with varying areas suitable for all specialties in Owagik Tower.
The mall also includes a large plaza with an area of ​​5,300 square meters within Owagik Tower New Capital.
Owagik Tower New Capital was completely established and equipped in terms of construction and finishing with the latest international technological methods so that investors and customers would have an integrated and sophisticated place that suits those with high taste and high social life.
Browse now pharmacies for sale in the new administrative capital
Designed by Owagik Tower New Capital
One of the reasons for the appearance of this mall as an attractive painting that grabs the attention of both investors and customers at home and abroad is the real estate developer’s work in the style of customization in the field, so he used the DCI PLUS office for engineering design to create this architectural masterpiece and the wonderful facades of shiny glass-like crystal, and he did not forget the medical units where he used The Consultation Medical Company, which implemented all medical units and clinics with the most accurate and highest standards under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

As for the interior decorations and finishes in Owagik Mall, they are absolutely unparalleled, provided by highly experienced consultant engineers in this field, in addition to providing part of the project space for the green patches and water bodies, which came to add more sophistication and luxury to the place.

The real estate developer also offers a huge range of distinctive hotel units with wonderful views, impressive finishes, and decorations to move your family in a high atmosphere of sophistication and prosperity in the heart of Owagik Tower New Administrative Capital.

خالد فكري
عقاري خبير
عقاري خبير

عدد المساهمات : 2518
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2022

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