سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
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سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
اهلا بكم في منتدى سعادة الساكن للعقار والبيع والشراء والتجارة الشامله
سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Own Your unit Upon The First Installment in Levels Business Tower

اذهب الى الأسفل

Own Your unit Upon The First Installment in Levels Business Tower  Empty Own Your unit Upon The First Installment in Levels Business Tower

مُساهمة من طرف خالد فكري الثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 5:05 am

Levels Business Tower

Levels Business Tower New Capital
Levels Business Tower Administrative Capital is the ideal choice to own a commercial and administrative unit in the Downtown area, which is among the finest and best strategic and vital areas in the New Administrative Capital, which offers an opportunity to invest in a new concept and provides endless services.

Urbnlanes Real Estate Company inaugurated Levels Business Tower, the largest real estate company known for its extensive experience in launching high-rise towers in Kuwait, it is also famous for its great attention to detail, and when you find it in the new capital, it has no meaning but that it has launched a different and distinct edifice from other projects established in the same area, which makes you take the initiative and take advantage of the opportunity to book an administrative or commercial unit, as it is characterized by providing all the means In its new project, which targets the convenience of customers and investors, with entertainment and basic luxury services that make you leave all your burdens and start a successful investment life.

Luxury and sophistication are among the most important features of Levels Business Tower, from the beauty of the exterior designs and interior finishes, and the splendor of the scenic views that always make you feel luxurious and recreation from the spread of green patches and water bodies, starting from entering Levels Mall until you reach the most beautiful view of your investment unit, it is a mall designed specifically to meet the owners of the high-end, in addition to providing a large number of units of different sizes at unmatched prices.

All the details about the cheapest offices for sale in the new administrative capital

Prime location for Levels Business Tower New Capital
The location of Levels Business Tower is characterized as a vital strategic first-class, which the real estate developer succeeded in choosing to be a meeting place for the influx of large numbers of customers to ensure the success of your investment, as the tower is located very close to most of the main roads and axes so that customers and investors do not bear the burden of access to it, in addition to that It is located in the most areas characterized by a restless activity throughout the year due to its basic service and entertainment venues.

Levels Business Tower is located in the heart of Downtown, specifically in plot G+35. It is the finest location in the entire Administrative Capital in the Tourist Towers area and near the finest residential projects. It also has an amazing view of the longest park extending along with the Administrative Capital, the Green River, and one of the most important features of the location

Levels Mall is located near Cairo-Suez Road, Regional Ring Road, and Middle Ring Road.
Levels Business is also located very close to one of the most important hubs of the new capital, which is the Bin Zayed axis.
To facilitate access to Levels Project, the mall is minutes from the new monorail station.
Levels Business Tower is steps away from the Green River Pedestrian Bridge.
It is a short distance between Levels Business and the tourist walkway.
Levels Business is located close to the most important neighborhoods of the administrative capital, such as the government district, the diplomatic district, and the financial and business district.
It is about 3 minutes away from Al Masa Hotel and Egypt Mosque.
The closest distance to Levels Business project land from the left is 120 meters, from the right is 160 meters, and from the back is 144 meters.
[ltr]Levels Business Tower is located near insurance companies, electricity, and the gold district.[/ltr]

خالد فكري
عقاري خبير
عقاري خبير

عدد المساهمات : 2518
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2022

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