سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
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سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
اهلا بكم في منتدى سعادة الساكن للعقار والبيع والشراء والتجارة الشامله
سعادة الساكن للعقار والتجارة الشامله
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Get Your unit With 123m² in E Tower New Capital

اذهب الى الأسفل

Get Your unit With 123m² in E Tower New Capital Empty Get Your unit With 123m² in E Tower New Capital

مُساهمة من طرف خالد فكري الإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 8:46 pm

E Tower UDG Mall

Units types and their different spaces in E Tower New Administrative Capital
Do not miss the opportunity for a profitable investment inside E Tower New Capital, which is a luxurious commercial and administrative project that provides a healthy working environment away from any source of noise or pollution, in the center of New Administrative Capital, which is the future of investment in Egypt.

The mall is built on a huge space of about 14,000 square meters, and it is surrounded by all the elements of success, attraction, and elements of luxury that provide an atmosphere of comfort and productivity, the real estate developer was keen to implement it in a luxurious architectural style with elegant modern decorations, as well as the use of smart spaces that suit the different needs of clients and investors, as follows:

The commercial space on the ground and first floors start from 40 square meters.
Administrative office spaces start from 30 square meters.
Prices and payment systems announced at E Tower New Capital
The real estate developer of E Tower Mall was keen to design a distinctive architectural edifice equipped with integrated facilities to make life easier; The project includes a range of high-end services and exceptional benefits that any client who wants to start a successful project is looking for.

Very competitive prices have been announced for commercial units and administrative offices within the project, commensurate with the different financial capabilities of customers and investors, and this can be clarified through the following:

The prices of commercial units in E Tower Mall New Administrative Capital start from 100,000 EGP.
Administrative office prices start from 25,000 EGP.
With regard to the payment systems that were introduced within the mall; It was flexible and comfortable, extending over many years, to facilitate the customers in the payment process, as follows:

The customer pays a 10% downpayment of the unit values, and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 8 years without interest.
The customer pays a 10% downpayment of the unit value in advance of the contract, then another 10% upon receipt and the rest of the amount is paid in equal installments over 10 years without interest.
There is an exclusive surprise for the customers of E Mall New Capital, in the launch offers; Where you can reserve your administrative unit after paying 20,000 EGP, and 50,000 EGP to reserve your commercial unit.
What are you waiting for next to start a profitable project by all standards in a distinguished geographical location in New Administrative Capital? Book your unit now in E Tower Mall New Administrative Capital, and to know more details; Connect with us!

About the real estate developer of E Tower Mall
UDG Development is a promising Egyptian company that seeks to create a state of splendor in the real estate market by innovating new ideas and distinctive solutions that put the needs of customers in the first place, and the most important thing it is known for is transparency and work ethics; They always build a strong relationship with their clients based on mutual respect.

And because it aims to build and behind what suits your soul, meets your desires, and suits your ideas; It has implemented E Tower Mall New Capital in an attractive strategic location in the heart of the capital and near the main roads and axes that make the transition to and from it easy and convenient, as well as providing many services and benefits that meet your needs.

خالد فكري
عقاري خبير
عقاري خبير

عدد المساهمات : 2518
تاريخ التسجيل : 23/07/2022

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